Behind the Design | 333 Travel Mission Knitted Sweater

My thoughts behind the design...
We are all on the same team, we are all on a journey. The destination, the 3World. Sometimes we feel alone on this journey even though we are not the only ones on it.
This sweater was made with the vision of it being like a uniform,when you see it being worn its a reminder you're apart of a team, a community of Travellers all trying to achieve the same thing, reach a common destination.
The 333 cross was inspired by the red cross society, D'Trois Travellers we are like humanitarians helping people whilst on our journeys together.
I decided to go with a knitted sweater as I rarely wear tracksuits. The sweater when travelling and moving around is one of the comfiest things to wear.
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When will the first green travel 333 be back in stock